
17 September 2008

Manchester United's shirts to now read, "USA" rather than "AIG"

I keed. I keed. But the dominoes falling on wall street have diverted my attention away from the game I love so much lately.

The failings in New York have been so unbelievably epic that it's hard not to pay attention, and I have yet to find how AIG's collapse and subsequent bail out by American taxpayers will impact their sponsorship of the Red Devils.

I know the deal struck yesterday between AIG and the US Government has some tight strings attached, so I imagine this will be the last year you'll see that label on any shirt. At any rate, I figured why not have a little fun with it!


Chris Courtney said...

You made me spit up my coffee!

Nice one.



Unknown said...

This destroyed his original beauty. Let Manchester United shirt fewer features England. Imposed on the American colors.